
Hello, World! | Market Access | Health Economics | Health Equity

Written by PFG MedComm Team | Feb 2, 2024 6:32:44 PM

We are PFG MedComm, a market access and medical communication strategic consultancy. The medical industry is filled with complex ideas that can be difficult to communicate to stakeholders. We leverage our years of experience within a variety of therapeutic categories to help companies accomplish their brand access goals. We take those complicated ideas and make them understandable to all stakeholders to ensure a company's drugs, therapies, devices, and diagnostics reach those who need them with minimal hurdles. PFG understands that navigating the road to market can be quite challenging. We prioritize understanding what the current market looks like and the stages a company may have to go through before getting its product or service to market.

Over the coming months, we will share our perspectives and insights on healthcare industry-related news and topics. Here's a preview of some of the things we'll be posting about this year.

Market access is a broad industry term referring to connecting patients with the right medical services or technologies to ensure the best care at a reasonable price. New advances in the medical industry are happening every day, and getting those products and services to patients in the quickest and safest way possible is becoming increasingly important and challenging. Furthermore, drug and device manufacturers face increasing government pressure through legislation, such as the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), that can significantly impact their bottom line.

Health economics allows us to measure and determine the value of interventions. At the same time, outcomes describe the actual effect on patients - the data from the two combined, Health Economics and Outcomes Research (HEOR), is an essential component of healthcare decision-making. Examining and applying the data to healthcare systems in the real world offers valuable insights for manufacturers, payers, and clinicians to ensure patients’ needs are being met. For example, are they selecting a particular type of treatment for a specific ailment? Health economics looks to answer appropriate intervention questions while considering “production, efficiency, disparities, competition, and regulation to better inform the public and private sector on the most efficient, cost-effective and equitable course of action.”

Health disparities, whether due to race, socioeconomic status, age, sex, sexual orientation, or other factors, continue to exist in society. Health equity exists when everyone has the ability to access the highest level of healthcare available. Leading professional organizations, such as the Center for Disease Control, American Medical Association, American College of Obstetrics & Gynecologists, and American Academy of Pediatrics, all note that many populations experience health disparities. Some of those populations include ethnic minority groups, the LGBTQ+ community, women, people with disabilities, etc. To reach a state of health equity, society must examine the systems put in place that cause injustice and inequality. Getting everyone access to proper healthcare is something PFG MedComm keeps in mind as the ultimate goal. By shining a spotlight and offering consulting services to medical companies, we can be sure emerging and advanced services or technology reach all who need access.

We here at PFG MedComm are so thrilled to share new content with you this year. Stay tuned for more content.